How To Automate Your Marketing For Ultimate Leverage And Freedom
What is the deadliest “curse of assumption” that business owners fall victim to? The answer may surprise you, the solution will set you free.
The event agency los angeles will allow you to automate the marketing with complete freedom. The business owners will not fall victim of the wrong agencies. There is an increase in the sales and profits of the owners. The promotion at the online site is excellent for the individuals.
Far too many business owners fall on the sword of the “curse of assumption”. That is, they know what they do, and they assume that their potential customers do as well. This is a fatal curse to fall under.
It is this simple; if your prospects don’t know who you are, what you do, or how to find you, you are dead in the water.
We’ll take that a step further and say that in the age of information and ‘business at the speed of thought’, they will want to know this – WIIFM
Or “What’s In It For Me?”
They will need to be educated about why they should do business with you. What are the benefits to them of doing business with you?
How an automated marketing system will truly set you free…
Educating yourself about how to market is critical to your success in business. And to be blunt, you will want to start considering (if you haven’t already), how to develop and promote your business online.
As Bill Gates has said “If you are in business and you are not online, you are not in business”.
Now, while it is important to learn how to market effectively for maximum profit, it is also important to be able to know which aspects of your marketing to outsource. By that, I mean those which are taking you away from the other vital aspect of your business, which is converting sales.
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I do want to outline some of the most powerful methods of generating leads for your business, which will not require a financial cost, but will require your time. These are what are referred to as Web 2.0 marketing methods.
These include articles and press releases, social media marketing (e.g. Face Book, Twitter, My Space, Squidoo etc), forum, Ezine and directory marketing, post cards, classified ads and traditional print media marketing.
Obviously some of these are more traditional, offline methods.
Whatever you choose, your goal should be to get as much of your marketing as possible on autopilot. After all, I don’t know about you, but I didn’t start my own home business to become a slave to it.
There is no better feeling than waking up to a new day and realizing over a coffee that you made money in your sleep, thanks to an online marketing system that works around the clock.
One of the best ways to automate your marketing is using by pay-per-click advertising (PPC). Most of the search engines offer this service but by far and away the most popular is Google, whose service is known as Google Adwords.
While Google has very tight compliance policies for its advertisers, it remains the giant in online paid advertising, as it enjoys a whopping 83.55% of market share. This tells me that Google is the consumers preferred search engine, and as business people, this is where I should aim to develop my presence.
In marketing terms, it is called “fishing where the fish are”.
As the name suggests, pay-per-click advertising means you only pay when someone actually clicks on your ad. And the great thing about it is that it is trackable and it allows you to position yourself on the search engine with your ad, right at the moment when your potential customer or business partner is searching for what you have to offer.
Google Adwords allows you to generate leads fast and at will for all time.
But it is absolutely vital to learn the ropes before taking the plunge. If you don’t know what you’re doing, Google Adwords can be one of the most effective ways of blowing your marketing budget you’ll ever find!
For anyone going it alone who is a complete beginner, a fantastic place to start is Perry Marshall’s Definitive Guide To Google Adwords. This is THE bible of every successful online marketer. Once I read this it all made sense. It’s 200 or so pages but most of it is screenshots so it’s not a difficult read.
Spending a few bucks learning how to advertise effectively on Google will pay for itself hundreds of times over and prevent you paying the “stupid tax” on online advertising.
Learning how to take my business online has effectively changed the face of it for me.
Automating your marketing using free marketing methods is more of a challenge but the good news is that with a concerted effort at the outset your marketing efforts will continue to generate leads weeks, months and years down the road.
While Google Adwords is instantaneous and can generate leads for you within 15 minutes, free marketing can take longer and requires more elbow grease.
Yet, unlike Google, which stops your exposure the second you shut off your campaign, the free marketing methods we’re about to cover here will put a permanent marker on the net, and your results will increase with time.
One of the fastest and simplest ways of free marketing is by video marketing. There’s a great guide to video marketing and other free methods of advertising in the Building On A Budget course by Mike Dillard. In exchange for your details you will receive the free video series showing how to build your business even if you don’t have a lot of cash.